Friday, May 10, 2013

My Rating System, Explained.

My Rating System.

This topic is spawned by a recent mini movie review on my facebook page. Some times, there are reviews that are a bit misleading and require some insight into the “Bub thinking process”. So let's get to it!

I work on a 1-5 scale, one being the lowest and five being the highest. I've watched way too many movies in my years, so I'm a bit of a snob. (Ha!) Very few movies are rated a 5, fewer still retain that rating over the years. (Yeah, I wish I didn't do retroactive ratings, but at times I do.) I try to avoid not using whole numbers but I do allow half numbers. Say “3.5 out of 5”, for example. I avoid going any lower than that, as eventually you get into splitting hairs and trying to figure out what deserves a 1/10th of a point and what doesn't.

To help give you readers a better “taste” of my “viewing appetite”, here are some examples of each whole rating. (Note: I am trying to pick movies I've liked for years and given these ratings and don't expect to change them. As always, however, change comes whether we like it or not.)

5 Rating:
To get a 5 rating, this movie has to be damn near flawless. Maybe flawless. You can watch it several times and notice something new. It has to take the story somewhere you don't expect, nay can't expect. It has to either be something like you've never seen before or done in such a way that you don't even realize you've seen this story done before.

Let's see, it's hard to come up with these. Dawn of the Dead 1978 (my favorite horror film of all time. I have literally seen this movie in the hundreds of times.). The Devil's Rejects. Casablanca. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. The Empire Strikes Back. Iron Man (1). Captain America. The Dark Knight.

4 Rating:
4 rating means it's great. Not good, but great. But it doesn't have to be flawless. It can be a story you've seen before but done in a totally new and/or different way (Star Wars, the first one from 1977). Or it's such a ground breaking, trend setting film that every other movie copies it and it's been copied so much, it's lost some of it's power (Citizen Kane).

Examples include Star Wars (what is now called “Episode 4”, but I refuse to use Lucas' stupid added-on title). Citizen Kane (which most non movie snob fans can't understand what the big deal is about it because so many movies have copied it). Psycho (ditto the Kane note). Night of the Living Dead 1968 (ditto being copied and being trend setting. For those of you that don't know, Walking Dead wouldn't exist with out NOTLD). Star Trek 6 The Undiscovered Country. The Blues Brothers. Animal House. Iron Man 2. Thor. The Dark Knight Rises. Excalibur. 300. 13 Assassins. 28 Days Later. 28 Weeks Later. Airplane. An American Werewolf In London. Ben Hur. The Ten Command. The Big Sleep (1946).

3 Rating:
This doesn't mean the movie is bad. It means for some reason, I expected more. And for some reason, the movie just doesn't have that “Oomph” to push it further. It's lacking something that I'll try to address in each comment. It doesn't mean I don't necessarily like the film either, I'm rather fond of most films with the 3 rating. The recent remake of Evil Dead released this year got a 3 rating. I expected more, given who made it and the way they seemed to be taking it.

3 rating Films: Iron Man 3 (lots of pretty pictures, but the story was lacking. Again, I expected more). Evil Dead (2013) (Pacing, lack of horror, humor in the wrong places. Oh and I'll say it, apparently duct tape can fix anything, including an arm being cut off). American Beauty (This one is borderline. There is nothing “wrong” with it, it's a well made film that I enjoyed. But I guess it just doesn't connect with me on some level. Too many characters conveniently falling into one another's life). Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) (another movie I think there is nothing wrong with, great story, good acting. It's biggest problem is it is so obviously low budget. I honestly love this film and enjoy watching it, it should be higher rated). Bram Stoker's Dracula (I guess my biggest issue was this film was billed as being the closest to the novel. It's not closer than Dracula 2000, oh and Dracula becomes love's bitch). The Butterfly Effect (a good time travel movie for the common person not acquainted with the basic concepts. I would like to see a more complex, more mature version of it made). Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter (bad choice as lead actor, he turns an action hero into a boring slob. He almost kills the film for me. Thankfully Caroline Munro is there to be some amazing scenery)

2 Rating:
We now start to get into movies I would call bad. Boring, lame, slow pacing, but usually a 2 rated movie have only one major or multiple minor problems. It's not quite a mess, but it's not anything I would be in any hurry to watch again. Truthfully, most movies I see end up with a 2 rating.

2 rating Films
Batman Begins. Cloverfield. Collateral. Constantine. The Greatest Story Ever Told (While the story of Jesus might not be an action film, it's not this... slow... moving... film...). The Dead Pool. (easily the worst Dirty Harry movie, I blame Jim Carrey) Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (there is an hour of this movie that could be cut and never missed). Saw (I know people are suppose to do stupid things in horror movies, but come on....).

1 Rating.
Major issues through out the film. It's bad, it's real bad. I can be forgiving of low budget movies but not poorly made low budget movies with no heart. Something had rubbed me majorly wrong with this film and if you ask or read my review, you will find out what they were. Be prepared for some blunt talk here.

The alleged Star Trek 11 movie from 2009 fits in here. (I'll re post my review from my MySpace page if anyone asks, lots of things to not like about it. I would actually give it a lower rating but there were a few actual things about it that I liked, largely Leonard Nimoy playing Spock one last time even if the role is written poorly.) Hitman (the video game “adaptation”). I Am Legend (My favorite Matheson novella done very, very wrong). Miami Vice The (remake) Movie. Nightmare City. Paranormal Activity. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (and it only gets this high of a rating due the an action god in Chow Yun Fat). Saw 2. Salt.

And lastly, we come the rating I give out the least the dreaded “Zero” or 0 rating.
This thing has to be an utter dog. If I give a film a zero, it's bad, really bad. If you follow my reviews and agree or get along with them, you probably shouldn't bother watching this film. If you disagree with my films, go Redbox it! I honestly try to not give many zero ratings as I can usually find something to give at least a half point or 1 point for, but this dreck doesn't deserve to get that kindness.

Most of the cheap, bad, Italian zombie George Romero ripoffs would fit here. The remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre from the mid 2000s would be here along with the remake of Friday the 13th from the later naughts also. Automanton Transfusion (The first movie I was so mad at for buying, Fangoria lied to me. This is garbage.) Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (what does this have to do with the flawed masterpiece from 1985? NOTHING!). No Country For Old Men (I honestly couldn't stop laughing at the “villain” who was basically Forest Gump's Mexican cousin with a limp. It just seemed like some guy who got his foot stepped on trying to act “tough”). The Spirit (Damn you Frank Miller, Damn you!)

Oh, one last thing (man, can you tell Colombo is on while I type this?), I try to pick some thing related to the film as my rating icon. Usually one or two words to go along with the number rating. Say “3 chainsaws out of 5” for the Evil Dead remake. It could easily be “missing hands” or “evil hands” or even “evil books”. Though some of my choices are a bit more obscure (“yellow ovals” for a Batman film, for example), I try to stick with more obvious ones.

So there you go, a small peek into the movie review part of my brain. I'll take pity on you and not have you travel any further into places no one wants to go. There you go my Good Reader. As always, be good to yourself!

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