Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Favorite Afternoon

So I was all set and ready to go on posting my first movie review here and.... well... Ah, it just kind of didn't happen. Piranha 3D, for anyone who's keeping track. I may still put it up but I've had something else on my mind today....

I don't know where this came from, but I was thinking back to a day almost 20 years ago. I was working at Hardee's restaurant, probably in Oak Ridge as a manager. At the same time, I was going to college at Roane State. So that puts it in the early 90s, but I can't narrow it down much more. Being a manager wasn't too hard of a job, lot of stress though. Add in going to college, even at a community college, and you have VERY little time left. I'm pretty sure it's why it took me 3 years to get out of a 2 year school. Working 40+ to 50+ hours a week, or more and then trying to read the Iliad in one week and doing other homework and you've got a fun life. So, as you can guess, my days off were pretty special to me. Very few times in those 3 years did I have a day off from both.
So, on with the story, I got out of class and went do to McKay's Used Book store (back when it was still McKay's). Did some perusing and found some issues of Dragon Magazine I had been looking for. For those of you that don't know, Dragon Magazine was a "help" magazine for the Dungeons & Dragons game. It had articles about people, towns, ideas and the like to help your game. (and if you want an argument, start that stupid lie about D&D being Satanic. Trust me, you won't like what I have to say back.) Anyway, picked them up, some other books and headed home.
I got home and no one else was there. It was warm but not hot that day. I remember well, because I sat out on the porch and started delving in to the books. While sitting there, it started to sprinkle. It increased, becoming a full on rain storm. Nothing too strong, no wind up on the porch. But I remember it like it was yesterday. Had my feet up, good read in my hands, drink at my side and comfortable setting. Gee, I wonder why that memory sticks so well? :) (and yes, I still have those magazines. In a box somewhere in my storage building but they survived the great purge during the last move)

So yeah, that's pretty much it. I guess I should say favorite afternoon alone. I remember as my Mother pulled in, the "spell" seemed to break. It wasn't the same anymore, something had changed. Dare I say it? The "magic" was gone. I knew then that I would remember that for the rest of my life.
How sad is that? I wrote a blog and waxed nostalgic about being alone and liking it.

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