Saturday, March 23, 2013

Things I think of...

Good Evening Good Reader (well it's evening as I type this anyway...)

  It's been a while since I sat down and put fingers to keyboard for this poor, neglected blog.  Sickness & near death in the family, moves and just life getting in the way.  Add in a lack of home internet and well, it makes getting the blog a bit rough.  But thanks to a new phone with a hotspot, we now have our "great" return...  (Ha! Ha!)

  I've just had some stuff on my mind lately, things that are kind of hard to talk to people about.  No, it's nothing like that, just some random thoughts (a possible second title for this entry).  Let's see how many I can get to. 

1. And rather importantly, IMO.  A friend asked me to stop and pick them up breakfast the other morning.  As I have plenty of time before work, I agreed.  Problem was, the friend forgot they were off work the next day.  We talked later that day and I agreed to bring them breakfast again the next morning.  I did so and here is the important part.  They not only paid for that day's breakfast, but they paid for the previous morning's breakfast that they didn't get.  It may sound like a minor thing but it was the effort and action that made this worth bringing up.  I mentioned to my friend how I thought that was "cool" of them, they replied about "doing the right thing".  I agreed but said you don't often meet people that do that.  And cool really is how I thought of their actions.  It's nice to know that other people (at least sometimes) feel the way I do about things. 

2. Free agent time in pro football.  As some/many of you know, my pro team is the Oakland Raiders.  Who have really blown chunks since the 02 season (hey, at least we made it to the Super Bowl again then.  Our 5th Super Bowl in a fourth separate decade.  No other team can say that.).  One of our two consistent All Pro or Pro Bowl players has been our punter Shane Lechler (the other is our kicker Sebastien Janikowski (from?  Florida State, of course).  I learned last night that Lechler was allowed to sign with another team.  Really?  One of the three good players we have is allowed to go?  *Sigh*  Every time I think I have reason to look forward to a season, seems like two more things happen to take it away....

3. You're going to laugh at this one, but I've had a smile on my mind.  I saw this smile and it really did seem to brighten up a whole room.  It's a good smile that actually brightened my day.  I hope I get to see it again (and more!  LOL)

4. Why does the 6 o'clock news begin at 5.58?  And the 5 at 4.58?  Can nobody read time there?  And why are your meteorologists out doing reports in the field?  Shouldn't they be in the weather center (or whatever it's called on your station) checking on the weather?  Earlier this year is was like 20 something outside one morning and the meteorologist was sent outside to tell us viewers it was cold.  Really?  I'll just take her word for it.  Seemed rather silly to me. 

5. I really hate this "winter relapse".  It would be nice if the weather/nature checked the calendar and realized it was past time to hit the road.  Honestly, after the two weeks of cold to kill off all the bugs, I'm good.  Doesn't mean I'm ready for 105 degree temperatures but I'm good. 

6. Finally got back to reading, maybe I'll get to updating my "Goodreads" list soon.  LOL 

7. Anybody got some links for painting models?  Just general all purpose checklists and helpful hints would be great.  Finally getting to the model I bought last year (the Enterprise "C", if you care) and found the old Universal Monster models I bought back when I was married (I think it was about then, they've been put up for quite a while).  Just having some reference sites would be great. 

8. Odd dreams Thursday Night/Friday Morning.  In one I got a female friend pregnant and the other one was about another friend committing suicide in front of me.  The "pregnant dream" was interesting.  The woman & I decided to not get married but we had decided to raise our kid.  While I don't believe a child shouldn't be the only reason you get married (loving & respecting each other is a much better base IMO), I would live up to my responsibilities.  The funny part was the faces on other friend when we announced she was pregnant.  I wasn't sure if they were surprised by her being pregnant or the fact that I actually fathered the child.  LOL 
The other dream wasn't quite so funny.  I was sitting in what was like a train depot with a friend.  We saw another friend walking by and we waved at them.  They waved back and then turned, jumped in front of the train as it came into the station.  And even with it being a dream, I saw everything.  (or what I presume "everything" would look like.  Let's just say it was messy and nothing I hope to ever see in real life.)  A few minutes into this dream, I woke up and hit the head.  Even though I knew it was a dream, it bothered me about the death.  So as I laid down, I was thinking about it and kind of went back into the dream.  Knowing it was now a dream, I was able to save their life using what would probably best called super powers.  Dumb I know, but I did feel better about it. 
I wonder what Freud would say about my dreams? 

9. I've been thinking too much about someone I used to know.  I really wish I could stop it, but no matter what I try, it never seems to stick.  Part of that is, of course, the fact I miss this person.  We can control our actions, but not our feelings. 

Well, that's enough for now.  Before you ask (too late!), the old Bub family is doing well.  Some minor sickness, sure.  But all in all, we are at a much better place then a year ago.  I thank each and everyone for any thoughts or prayers you sent our way.  Please keep us and so many others there and I'll return the favor.
As always, be good to yourself.